пятница, 26 апреля 2013 г.

Juxtaposition of results of the three methods of assessment of toxicity of a new pollutant: the methods that use plant seedlings, aquatic algae and soil algae

A first publication to report a unique bioassay of synthetic surfactants using soil algae. Also, this is a first publication to report a juxtaposition of results of the three methods of assessment of toxicity of a surfactant: the methods that use (1) plant seedlings; (2) aquatic algae cultures; (3) soil algal cultures.

New previously unknown facts on toxicity and environmental hazards of a synthetic cationic surfactant (surface active substance, surface active agent) were discovered and are presented in this article.
Experiments investigating the effects of the cationic surface active compound tetradecyl trimethylammonium bromide (TDTMA) on aquatic and soil algal cultures as well as the seedling of the higher plant, buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum are described and the results presented. It is concluded that future studies on the effects of pollutants on plants should involve the use of several test systems.

Ostroumov, S. A.; Tret'yakova, A. N. Effect of environmental pollution with a cationic surface active substance on algae and Fagopyrum esculentum sprouts. - Soviet Journal of Ecology, 1990, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 79-81.
Available at:
After 1991, the title of this journal changed. The new title is: Russian Journal of Ecology.
ISSN: 1067-4136 (print version)
ISSN: 1608-3334 (electronic version)
About this journal see:

Key words: phytotest, phytotoxicity, plant science, environment, aquatic, ecology, pollution, hazard assessment, bioassay, plant, soil, algae, seedlings, Fagopyrum esculentum, buckwheat, surfactants.

Ключевые слова: фитотест, фитотоксичность, растениеводство, окружающая среда, водный, экология, загрязнение, оценка опасности, биотестирование, растение, почва, водоросли, проростки растений, Fagopyrum esculentum, гречиха, поверхностно-активные вещества, ПАВ.

See also:
A review of the two classes of chemicals of ecological importance: the natural chemicals that are involved in regulating and mediating natural inter-species and inter-organismal interactions in the biosphere and  man-made chemicals that are involved in chemical pollution of the environment.

A discovery of a new method for testing toxicity of chemicals. Using this method a discovery was made of a new important examples of phytotoxicity of synthetic organic chemicals, exemplified by some synthetic surfactants.http://alsuyus.blogspot.ru/2013/04/new-method-to-bioassay-chemicals.html

This publication reported the author's unique experience in using non-traditional non-animal methods to bioassay the toxicity of chemicals.

First paper to report new phytotoxic effects of a liquid detergent. New phytotoxic effects of the liquid detergent "Vilva" on the seedlings of the higher plants, buckweat Fagopyrum esculentum and rice Oryza sativa, were discovered.

First publication to report phytotoxicity of a synthetic polymeric surfactant. An innovative bioassay with the higher plant Fagopyrum esculentum (buckwheat) was carried out. A negative reaction of buckwheat seedlings to pollution of the aqueous medium with a polymeric surfactant was discovered.

First publication to report both inhibitory and stimulation effects of a synthetic surfactant on two unique strains of the ocean species of cyanobacteria Synechococcus from the collection of WHOI (U.S.A.).

First publication to report a hazardous effect of a synthetic non-ionic surfactant (exemplified by Triton X-100) on diatom algae, a marine species, Thalassiosira pseudonana.

New broad picture of the fundamental role of biological filtering in self-purification (and self-bioremediation, self-organization, as well as stability) of aquatic ecosystems.

Fundamentally new solution to the problem of selecting criteria for identification and assessing environmental hazards of chemical pollutants, toxicants. The paper explains why the currently accepted set of criteria is non-efficient and leads to mistakes.

First paper in which it was clearly proved that the synthetic chemical (exemplified by the surfactant sodium dodecylsulfate, SDS), when it pollutes water, produces dangerous effects on both marine mussels (Mytilus edulis) and phytoplankton

Main components of the ecosystem mechanisms of improving water quality,the most important physical, chemical, and biological processes of water self-purification.

New fresh insight into ecological mechanisms of eutrophication and abnormal increase in phytoplankton and how ecosystem runs water self-purification.

New concepts and terminology in ecology, and science of limnology and biological oceanography: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.

Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. Marine mussels Mytilus, Atlantic Ocean; ecotoxicology of cationic, anionic, and non-ionogenic detergents

New aspects of water quality formation and water quality control in natural freshwater and marine ecosystems; new facts on negative effects of chemical pollutants (e.g., synthetic surfactants and detergents) on aquatic organisms, especially filter-feeders.

First paper to report concentrations of a number of rare earth elements (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) in biological detritus in an aquatic system.

Modern comments on innovative scientific terms (ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators).

Innovative theory of ecological mechanisms of self-purification of water in freshwater and marine ecosystems.

Innovative and multifaceted conceptualization of how almost all aquatic organisms function together toward making water clear and clean.

Detailed analysis of the discovery and innovation: a new aspect of the functioning of ecosystem.

New facts on how detergents slow down the filtration of water by aquatic organisms; new inhibitory effects of surfactants TDTMA and SDS on water filtering activity of the marine mollusks oysters Crassostrea gigas.

First and unique paper in which an international team of experts, scientists of 3 countries formulated a short list of research priorities in ecology and environmental sciences.

Fundamentally new solution to the problem of selecting criteria for identification and assessing environmental hazards of chemical pollutants, toxicants.

среда, 17 апреля 2013 г.

A review on two classes of chemicals of ecological importance: the natural chemicals in the biosphere and man-made chemicals

A review of the two classes of chemicals of ecological importance: (1) the natural chemicals that are involved in regulating and mediating natural inter-species and inter-organismal interactions in the biosphere; (2) man-made chemicals that are involved in chemical pollution of the environment.

This is a short review publication based on the book published by the same author. The reference for the book is:
S.A.Ostroumov. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology. Moscow University Press. Moscow, 1986, 176 p. (in Russian). The book was translated into Polish and published in Poland. The reference for the Polish edition:
Ostroumow S. A. Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej. [Introduction to Biochemical Ecology] Warszawa, Publishers: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1992. 205 pages, ISBN-13:9788301104542. ISBN-10: 8301104546. http://www.academia.edu/865074/

S. A. Ostroumov. Biologically active substances of ecological importance and methodological aspects of the estimation of the biological activity of pollutants. - RUSS. CHEM. REV., 1991, 60 (3), 265–265.
DOI: 10.1070/RC1991v060n03ABEH001051;

понедельник, 1 апреля 2013 г.

New method to bioassay chemicals

A discovery of a new method for testing toxicity of chemicals. This method is especially useful to find and characterize phytotoxicity of chemicals. This method proved to be also useful to find new facts on environmental hazards of chemicals and chemical pollution of environment. Using this method a discovery was made of a new important examples of phytotoxicity of synthetic organic chemicals, exemplified by some synthetic surfactants.

The authors discovered that the development of root hairs in plant seedlings can be used as a test for potential toxicity of chemicals. The seedlings of Fagophyrum esculentum, Sinapis alba, and Triticum aestivum were used. The synthetic surfactant Triton X-100 was bioassayed. Triton X-100 induced a loss of adherence to the substrate of the F. esculentum and S. alba seedlings. Triton X-100 inhibited the development of root hairs in the seedlings of these species as well as in the seedlings of T. aestivum. This is a new approach to bioassay xenobiotics and pollutants as exemplified by synthetic surfactants.

Ostroumov S.A.; Maximov V.N. A bioassay of surfactant solutions based on the disturbance of seedling adhesion to the substrate and the development of root hairs by rhizodermis. - Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya, 1991, No. 4, P. 571-575.
Cited as:
Ostroumov, S. A. and V. N. Maksimov (1991). A bioassay of surfactant solutions based on the disturbance of seedling adhesion to the substrate and the dev elopment of root hairs by the rhizodermis. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Sssr Seriya Biologicheskaya (4): 571-575.

Key words: bioassay, chemicals, synthetic, surfactant, Triton X-100, xenobiotics, toxicity, phytotoxicity, environment, hazards, pollution, root hairs, seedlings, Fagophyrum esculentum, Sinapis alba, Triticum aestivum.
Ключевые слова: биотест, химические вещества, синтетический, поверхностно-активные вещества, Triton X-100, ксенобиотики, токсичность, фитотоксичность, окружающая среда, вредное воздействие, загрязнение, корневые волоски, проростки, Fagophyrum esculentum, Sinapis alba, Triticum aestivum.

See also:
This publication reported the author's unique experience in using non-traditional non-animal methods to bioassay the toxicity of chemicals.

First paper to report new phytotoxic effects of a liquid detergent. New phytotoxic effects of the liquid detergent "Vilva" on the seedlings of the higher plants, buckweat Fagopyrum esculentum and rice Oryza sativa, were discovered.

First publication to report phytotoxicity of a synthetic polymeric surfactant. An innovative bioassay with the higher plant Fagopyrum esculentum (buckwheat) was carried out. A negative reaction of buckwheat seedlings to pollution of the aqueous medium with a polymeric surfactant was discovered.

First publication to report both inhibitory and stimulation effects of a synthetic surfactant on two unique strains of the ocean species of cyanobacteria Synechococcus from the collection of WHOI (U.S.A.).

First publication to report a hazardous effect of a synthetic non-ionic surfactant (exemplified by Triton X-100) on diatom algae, a marine species, Thalassiosira pseudonana.

New broad picture of the fundamental role of biological filtering in self-purification (and self-bioremediation, self-organization, as well as stability) of aquatic ecosystems.

Fundamentally new solution to the problem of selecting criteria for identification and assessing environmental hazards of chemical pollutants, toxicants. The paper explains why the currently accepted set of criteria is non-efficient and leads to mistakes.

First paper in which it was clearly proved that the synthetic chemical (exemplified by the surfactant sodium dodecylsulfate, SDS), when it pollutes water, produces dangerous effects on both marine mussels (Mytilus edulis) and phytoplankton

Main components of the ecosystem mechanisms of improving water quality,the most important physical, chemical, and biological processes of water self-purification.

New fresh insight into ecological mechanisms of eutrophication and abnormal increase in phytoplankton and how ecosystem runs water self-purification.

New concepts and terminology in ecology, and science of limnology and biological oceanography: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.

Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. Marine mussels Mytilus, Atlantic Ocean; ecotoxicology of cationic, anionic, and non-ionogenic detergents

New aspects of water quality formation and water quality control in natural freshwater and marine ecosystems; new facts on negative effects of chemical pollutants (e.g., synthetic surfactants and detergents) on aquatic organisms, especially filter-feeders.

First paper to report concentrations of a number of rare earth elements (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) in biological detritus in an aquatic system.

Modern comments on innovative scientific terms (ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators).

Innovative theory of ecological mechanisms of self-purification of water in freshwater and marine ecosystems.

Innovative and multifaceted conceptualization of how almost all aquatic organisms function together toward making water clear and clean.

Detailed analysis of the discovery and innovation: a new aspect of the functioning of ecosystem.

New facts on how detergents slow down the filtration of water by aquatic organisms; new inhibitory effects of surfactants TDTMA and SDS on water filtering activity of the marine mollusks oysters Crassostrea gigas.

First and unique paper in which an international team of experts, scientists of 3 countries formulated a short list of research priorities in ecology and environmental sciences.

Fundamentally new solution to the problem of selecting criteria for identification and assessing environmental hazards of chemical pollutants, toxicants.