воскресенье, 30 сентября 2012 г.

Modern comments on the innovative scientific terms: ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators

Modern comments on the innovative scientific terms: ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators. Paper: On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators. - Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2008, 1 (2): 238-244.

In 2008, a  paper was published on fundamental concepts of biochemical ecology (Ostroumov, 2008). The paper contained modern comments on the innovative scientific terms (ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators) that were coined in 1986 in the book S.A.Ostroumov ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’. These terms have a strong innovative potential in getting better insight in interorganismal connections, communication and links among organisms in the biosphere (Ostroumov, 2008).

Ostroumov S. A. On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators. - Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2008, 1 (2): 238-244.

Application, potential use of these terminology and the publication:
The innovative terms are especially useful in modernizing content of the lecture courses: Ecology; Chemical Ecology; Molecular Ecology; Environmental Chemistry; Aquatic Ecology; Marine Ecology; Freshwater Ecology; Limnology; Biological Oceanography; Chemical Communication; Plant-Animal Interactions; Plant-Insect Interactions; Pheromones; Bioactive Chemicals; Bioactives; and others;


Key words:

New terminology, Экологические хемомедиаторы, Concepts, chemicals, ENVIRONMENTAL, ecology, Conceptual, Biochemical, Interactions, fundamental,  Ecological, conceptualization, chemomediators, chemoregulators, interorganismal

Ключевые слова: 

Новая терминология, Экологические хемомедиаторы, Концепции, Химические вещества, Экология, Науки об окружающей среде, Концептуальные, Биохимические, Взаимодействия, Фундаментальный, Экологический, Концептуализация, Хемомедиаторы, Хеморегуляторы, Межорганизменные

понедельник, 24 сентября 2012 г.

The role of biodetritus in accumulation of elements in aquatic ecosystems

First paper  to report the concentrations of a number of rare earth elements (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) in biological detritus in an aquatic system. Scientific article: The role of biodetritus in accumulation of elements in aquatic ecosystems.

In 2010, a first paper was published that reported the concentrations of a number of rare earth elements (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) in biological detritus in an aquatic system (Ostroumov, Kolesov, 2010 ).
Key words, a short list : first measurements, biodetritus, detritus, rare earth elements, water system, sediments.
In 2010, a first paper was published that reported the concentrations of a number of rare earth elements (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs , Au) in biological detritus in an aquatic system (Ostroumov, Kolesov, 2010 ). Until this work was done, nothing was known on concentrations of these rare earth elements in the detritus of biological origin in water ecosystems. It is important that the research was done using a completely controlled experimental system so that the biological species of aquatic organisms that produced the biodetritus were known: two species of mollusks and one species of aquatic macrophyte.
Importance of this publication:
The biological detritus is one of the most important parts of the bottom sediments in water bodies and water streams. The biodetritus is the main source of organic matter in sediments. In turn, the organic matter is one of the main factors to environmental chemistry and toxicology of aquatic ecosystems.
The rare earth elements are a key component of modern hi-technology products and they are a new component in the modern solid wastes and waste waters. This paper is an innovative and significant contribution to the database for modern environmental monitoring.
Besides the elements mentioned above, the concentrations of Ca, Zn, Ba, Br , Se, La, Sb were also measured.
Biodetritus that formed over a 7-month period in microcosms with Viviparus viviparus, Unio pictorum , and Ceratophyllum demersum contained a number of elements. This is the first study to determine concentrations of some elements in biodetritus. Neutron activation analysis showed that the elements concentrations decrease in the following order: Ca > Zn > Ba > Br > Ce > Se > Nd > La > U > Hf > Sb > Th > Sm > S > Cs > Au. The data obtained contribute to understanding of the multifunctional (polyfunctional) role of aquatic organisms in aquatic ecosystems.

Ключевые слова:

Цинк (Zn), живородкауран (U), торий (Th), самарий (Sm), селен (Se), сурьма (Sb), редкоземельные элементыUnio pictorum, неодим (Nd), лантан (La), гафний (Hf)экосистемы,  детритцезий (Сs)Ceratophyllum demersum, церий (Ce), кальций (Сa), бром (Br), барий (Ba), золото (Au), водные, биогеохимия

Title: The role of biodetritus in accumulation of elements in aquatic ecosystems

Authors: Ostroumov S. A.; Kolesov G. M.
Affiliation of the authors: Moscow State University; Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of  the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Source: CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY,  2010; Volume: 3,   Issue: 4,   Pages: 369-373,   DOI: 10.1134/S1995425510040016,   Published:  2010;
The reference in a traditional form:
Ostroumov S. A., Kolesov G. M. The role of biodetritus in accumulation of elements in aquatic ecosystems. -  CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY, 2010;  3 (4): 369-373.

среда, 19 сентября 2012 г.

Biocontrol of Water Quality: Multifunctional Role of Biota in Water Self-Purification.

Biocontrol of Water Quality: Multifunctional Role of Biota in Water Self-Purification.

Ключевые слова: водный, экосистемы, экология пресных вод, морская экология, теория, самоочищение, качество воды, водные ресурсы, роль организмов, роль биоразнообразия, водоёмы, водотоки

Краткое содержание:
Инновационная теория экологических механизмов самоочищения воды пресноводных и морских экосистем. Согласно данной теории, экологические механизмы помогают сохранять водные ресурсы рек, озер и других водоемов, играющих важную роль в водоснабжении.

Abstract in short: 
An innovative theory of ecological mechanisms of self-purification of water in freshwater and marine ecosystems. The theory helps to protect water resources of rivers, lakes, and other water bodies that are important for water supply.

S.A. Ostroumov.
Biocontrol of Water Quality: Multifunctional Role of Biota in Water Self-Purification.-
Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2010, Vol. 80, No. 13, 2010, pp. 2754–2761.
Key words:
aquatic,  ecosystems, freshwater ecology, marine ecology, theory, self-purification, water quality, water resources, role of organisms, role of biodiversity, water bodies, water streams,


      The paper presents an updated conceptualization of ecosystem’s biomachinery (a new scientific term that was proposed by the author; it means ecological mechanisms that include biological communities and biodiversity) which improves water quality. The innovative experimental data analysis, concepts, and generalizations in this article provide the fundamental elements of the new qualitative theory of biocontrol of water quality in a systematized form. This theory was put forward in the previous papers of the author. The theory covers water self-purification in freshwater and marine ecosystems. The theory is supported by the results of the author’s experimental studies of the effects exerted by some chemical pollutants including synthetic surfactants, detergents, and other xenobiotics on aquatic organisms. The new fundamental conceptualization provides a basis for remediation of polluted aquatic ecosystems including purification of water bodies and streams, and briefly present the qualitative theory of the self-purification mechanism of aquatic ecosystems, phytoremediation and other types of technologies. 


среда, 12 сентября 2012 г.

On the multifunctional role of the biota in the self-purification of aquatic ecosystems. -RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 2005, 36 (6): 414-420

Ostroumov S.A. On the multifunctional role of the biota in the self-purification of aquatic ecosystems. -RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 2005, 36 (6): 414-420.

Подробное и  упорядоченное представление инновационной и многогранной концепции автора о совместном функционировании практически всех водных организмов  для поддержания чистоты и прозрачности воды. В данной статье сформулирована новая теория экологического самоочищения воды.

Ключевые слова: воды, самоочищение, теории, водный, экосистемы, организмы, качество воды, пресная вода, морской, водные объекты, водоёмы, водотоки, устойчивость

A detailed well-structured presentation of the author’s innovative and multifaceted conceptualization of how almost all aquatic organisms function together toward making water clear and clean. This paper formulated a new theory of ecological self-purification of water:

In the format of Web of Science:
Title: On the multifunctional role of the biota in the self-purification of aquatic ecosystems.
Author: Ostroumov S.A.
Source: RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 2005, Volume: 36,   Issue: 6,   Pages: 414-420,  

DOI: 10.1007/s11184-005-0095-x;   
Published: NOV-DEC 2005;

Full English text free: 

Abstract, additional relevant sites: 

The reference in a traditional form:
Ostroumov S.A. On the multifunctional role of the biota in the self-purification of aquatic ecosystems. -RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 2005, 36 (6): 414-420.
KEY WORDS: water, self-purification, theory, aquatic, ecosystems, organisms, water quality, freshwater, marine, water objects, water bodies, water streams, sustainability

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